Reasons to Avoid Standing Propane Heaters

Standing propane heater can be found at places like department stores and on the internet. There are a number of places to purchase one, but it is essential to note that these units are a relatively new innovation.

standing propane heater

Because of this, standing heaters are highly flammable and prone to rusting if improperly maintained. Even the newest units cannot be placed on a steel building without risking the danger of an accidental fire.

There are drawbacks to this type of heater as well. One is that they are extremely expensive compared to traditional heaters. They also require a greater number of regular fuel replacement than other heaters.

If you don’t care for the appeal of a standing propane heater, you can always find a new type of heater at the local store. Those models that are being used now, were the same models that were used in the past. They’re still being made, but this is probably a better solution for the time being.

As far as other popular choices for the same purpose, there are dual zone and wall mount models. If you want the advantage of a wall mount, you can install one on the wall. Just make sure that the mount is high enough so that the heat will penetrate the wall, but low enough so that it does not cause any damage to the brick or mortar. If you install a wall mounted propane heater, it will be used for many years.

Standing propane heaters also run the risk of not turning on as well as other types of heater. If you have to move it, make sure to unplug it. It may be a good idea to put the propane tank down before doing this to be sure it turns on when you want it to.

Standing propane heaters are not for everyone. If you want to use one, consider the alternatives first before you purchase one.